This work was created in the (endless) summer of 2020 for the Italo Calvino game jam, “If on a summer’s night a game designer...

This is not a puzzle game and it has no victory condition. It is an environment in which you are welcome to wander. There are secrets to discover, but (for once) my intent is not to challenge your discovery skills.


The panorama viewer in this project requires WebGL. It should work on all modern browsers.

I have a report that the "privacy.resistFingerprinting" option in Firefox causes the game to fail with an error: "This panorama is too big for your device!" This privacy setting prevents the viewer from figuring out the supported image size, so it can't run. I currently know no workaround except to turn that setting off.

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagsbrowsing-simulator, Exploration, First-Person

Development log


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There are notes on books, but sometimes it's hard to see what those books are.

That is true! As I said in the about text, I have a camera with limited resolution and that's just the way it went. 

Also, I figured it might be fun to recognize a book from the layout and color scheme of the spine. Of course that's mostly for old SF fans like me.

But for people that aren't old SF fans, it may be interesting to learn about new books this way. Maybe add a special setting for that?

So, like spoiler mode? I can see that. I'll keep in on the suggestions list.

(Game updates are locked until the jam ends, though.)

This is a wonderful little space to roam around in, and I love the whole deal with the things in the things.

Thanks! Glad it worked.